Agenda item

Disclosure of interests and dispensations

Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


3.1  Cllr Bill Williams is a member of the council of governors for Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust (GSTT) and his partner works for GSTT. Cllr Sunny Lambe’s wife works for NHS Greenwich. Cllr Ann Kirby is a Lay Member of GSTT. Cllr David Noakes declared that he sits on the Health and Wellbeing Board. He explained that the legal advice he has received advised that if any decisions by the board are being scrutinised by the committee then he would need to not participate in the deliberations  and leave the room, however items that have just been discussed at the board would be fine to scrutinise at the committee. The board does not take many decisions.