Agenda item

Further Education


Stephen Gaskell, Head of Chief Executive’s Office,  and Nina Dohel, Director of Education, introduced the scoping paper.


The committee then discussed how to develop the review and suggested the following potential lines for scrutiny:


·  speaking to senior figures from Lewisham Southwark college to explore how they are developing their offer

·  what is the range and quality of the Lewisham Southwark college offer?

·  is there potential for better links between further and higher education ?

·  is there a route to reducing the complexity of the offer?

·  learning from other European countries

·  understanding the shift in the funding model towards needs of the local economy rather than popularity  of courses

·  looking



Summary of follow up actions:


Invite chair and chief executive of Lewisham Southwark College to attend a committee meeting

Speak to employers

Compare FE offer in other inner city areas

Interview relevant officers

Analysis of area review report

Gather data

Speak to young people

Visit Lewisham Southwark college






Supporting documents: