Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

·  Northcross Road market consultation




Northcross Road market extension consultation


Ambrose Omoma, community involvement project worker, informed the meeting that the consultation about the market stalls in Northcross Road, just off Lordship Lane, was currently taking place. The proposals included:

·  Extending the market

·  Having a permanent road closure in place every Saturday from Lordship Lane to Archdale Road

·  Creating a turning space at the end of Nutfield Road.

The consultation would be running until 31 January 2017. He encouraged residents, visitors and people working in the area to participate. The meeting heard that the new plans involved having market stalls in the road facing inward, so the pavements would not be filled with shoppers. Stalls would be extended from Nutfield Road to Archdale Road, which was why the plans included restricting traffic on these two roads on Saturdays. The reason for the expansion of the market was that it was very popular and the demand for stalls by traders was high, which had led to a long waiting list. For further information, or to participate online, please see the council’s consultation hub at:


Neighbourhoods Fund 2017-18

Fitzroy Lewis, community council development officer, informed the meeting that the application process for the Neighbourhoods Fund 2017-18 was currently open until 19 December 2016. The Neighbourhoods Fund was designed to fund local events or activities. £500 to £5,000 could be awarded to projects starting from April 2017. He encouraged people to register and apply online at:


The decisions about the funding would be taken at the community council meeting in spring 2017.