Agenda item

Deputations/Petitions (if any)

Deputation request – Traffic control on Grove Lane, between Champion Park and Stories Mews.


Becky Duffy, a local resident, made a deputation regarding the need for traffic control on Grove Lane particularly between Champion Park and Stories Mews. Becky explained that cars speeded in the area and that there had been a number of serious traffic accidents in the last couple of years including one fatality of a person crossing the road. She added that a recent traffic survey may not have been taken at a time of day indicative of the problem. During peak traffic volume hours of the day, the traffic tended to be slow but in the evenings things were very different. There was a 20mph limit on the road but some vehicles had lost control and ended up on their roof. Becky circulated pictures of a car that had flipped onto its roof in the area.


Councillor Sarah King thanked Ms Duffy for raising the issues in the deputation and said it was important to involve the police and get information from them on the accidents that had occurred.


Councillor Ian Wingfield, cabinet member for environment and the public realm, responded that the traffic survey had narrow hours and officers had been asked to do a further traffic survey with extended hours. The council had a safer routes to school programme and the two local schools nearby should be consulted and this area should be incorporated into that programme. Transport for London (TfL) would also be consulted as the road was a bus route. TfL’s input would be needed prior to any traffic intervention being made. Any options would be consulted on with local residents.


Councillors noted the deputation report and added that the issue of speeding buses in the area would be raised with Val Shawcross at the Greater London Assembly.

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