Agenda item

Presentation on the noise service

Officer to present to the sub-committee.


4.1  The chair with the agreement of the sub-committee decided that officers give a presentation of the changes that have been made to the department and then answer questions from members.


4.2  The officers present at this meeting were David Littleton (Head of Regulatory Services), Jackie McGeever (Business Unit Manager) and Martin Talbot (Noise & Nuisance Team Leader).


4.3  The Head of Regulatory Services explained that Southwark’s Noise, Environmental Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour teams now all sit within one service unit. This means Southwark’s response to domestic, commercial and industrial noise, anti-social behaviour and construction site noise are dealt with, within a multi-disciplinary service dedicated to a zero tolerance to noise nuisance.


4.4  The Head of the Regulatory Services reported that the Noise and Nuisance Team primarily dealt with the following types of noise:


·  Amplified music

·  Domestic noise

·  Noise from building sites

·  Commercial noise

·  Licensed premises (bars, pubs & clubs)


The Environmental Protection Team deals with the following types of noise:


·  Complex noise

·  Industrial noise

·  Construction site noise

·  Commercial plant noise.


4.5  The officers then answered questions asked by members of the sub-committee.


4.6  The Noise & Nuisance Team Leader invited members of the sub-committee to download the Southwark noise application and test it out with regards to noise complaints.



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