Agenda item



Planning application reference 16/AP/2740


Report: see pages 152 to 231 of the agenda and pages 3 to 5 of the addendum report.




Demolition of existing ward buildings and nurses accommodation and development of site to provide a new secondary school within the retained and refurbished 'chateau' building fronting East Dulwich Grove and in a series of new buildings and extensions up to 5 storeys high, comprising teaching and administration spaces, dining and indoor sports hall, multi-use games area, accesses, car parking and servicing areas and landscaping (Use Class D1).


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report. Members of the committee did not ask questions of the officer.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant and applicant’s agents addressed the committee and answered the committee’s questions arising from their submission.


The committee heard representations from a supporter of the application who lived within 100m of the development site, and asked questions of the supporter.


The committee heard joint representations from local ward councillors, Councillor James Barber and Councillor Rosie Shimell, and asked questions of the ward councillors.


The committee debated the application and asked further questions of officers.


A motion to grant planning permission was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and declared granted as follows:




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and addendum report, and following referral of the application to the Greater London Authority (GLA), and including: 


a.  An amended condition 4 to also require details of making the wall facing St Barnabas Close more attractive.


b.  An amended condition 25 to include details of how the parking and lighting would be managed during community use.


c.  An informative to be added regarding parking for construction staff being made available on-site during the building works.


Supporting documents: