Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer: Funding Reallocation

Note: This is an executive function for decision by the community council.


Members to consider the recommendations in the report.




Note: This is an executive function for decision by the community council.


Councillors considered the information contained in the report.




To allocate the following amounts to the projects listed below:


·  £2,400 of available funding to existing project 106983 - Melford Court


·  £2,300 of available funding to existing project 106955 - Lapsewood Walk path improvement


·  £22,500 of available funding to existing project 106980 - Fix Worlingham Road


·  £7,000 of available funding to existing project 106976 - East Dulwich Crime Reduction Fund


·  £4,860 of available funding to new project Goodrich School sports equipment


·  £4,860 of available funding to new project renew soft playground surface at Goose Green school.


·  £3,999 of available funding to a new project “East Dulwich Grove and Lordship Lane junction safety investigation”.



Supporting documents: