Agenda item

Community Announcements

-  Southwark’s Youth Community Councils

-  SE5 Forum, update on vision for Camberwell

-  Old Kent Road Area Action Plan

-  Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) Capital Programme 2017-18 launch

-  Update on the design for Brunswick Park CGS project

-  Local Faith Directory

-  Go on Southwark

-  Any other community announcements


SE5 Forum, update on vision for Camberwell

Craig Stansfield, from the SE5 Forum, explained that the workshops from the last meeting had been very useful. Some of the main things suggested for inclusion in the vision were:


1.  Wanting to ensure that while making Camberwell a better place, people were not priced out of Camberwell.


2.  Increasing employment and incomes in the area, including the London living wage and apprenticeships.


3.  More detail on Camberwell Station Road and reopening the station.


4.  Support for protecting the view of St Paul’s Cathedral from Camberwell Road.


Old Kent Road Area Action Plan

Laura Hills, planning policy team, explained that the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan was a draft planning document currently being consulted on. The consultation period would run until 5 November 2016. The draft document represented a plan for the area for the next twenty years. It looked at issues including new houses and the Bakerloo Line extension. Residents were encouraged to submit their comments.


Cleaner, Greener, Safer (CGS) Capital Programme 2017-18 launch

Michelle Normanly, senior project manager, explained that the CGS programme had been running for fourteen years. Applications for 2017-18 could now be submitted and the closing date for applications was 31 October 2016. Many of the projects previously submitted had been quite innovative and that was because residents had explained the type of projects that would work in their area. Visit to submit an online application or pick up a form at a local library, one-stop shop or leisure centre.

Contact: or Tel. 020 7525 2665.


Update on the design for the Brunswick Park CGS Project

Michelle Normanly, senior project manager, explained that the council was still in the early stages of the process. Following comments made at the July community council meeting, officers had fed back concerns raised about the size of the play area. Subsequently, the play area has been revised and a plan would be available to view on the council website from next week.

Contact: or Tel. 020 7525 0862.


The Neighbourhoods Fund 2017-18

Grace Semakula, community council development officer, explained that the neighbourhoods fund for 2017-18 would be launched in early November 2016. Further information would appear on the council website – Application forms would also be available at libraries and leisure centres. The application period would run for six weeks.

Contact: or Tel. 020 7525 4928.


Maudsley Hospital Campus

The chair explained that the hospital was looking to open up the hospital campus to make it more inviting to pedestrians in Camberwell. Consultation was taking place on making the campus feel more like part of the neighbourhood.



Age Friendly Borough

The chair announced that the cabinet had now agreed its vision / strategy for an age friendly borough. This item was a theme at community councils throughout the borough, earlier in the year.


Questions to the Leader of the Council

An event would take place at Canada Water Library on Wednesday 19 October 2016, starting at 7.00pm. Councillor Peter John would be joined by cabinet colleagues Councillor Maisie Anderson and Councillor Richard Livingstone and it was an opportunity to ask questions. Further details available at