Agenda item

Sexual Health changes




Dick Frak, Interim Director of Commissioning, Children's and Adults' Services; Kirsten Watters, Consultant in Public Health; Southwark Council Cllr Maisie Anderson,  Cabinet Member for Public Health, Parks and Leisure

and Andrew Billington, Lead commissioner for Public Health commissioning Lambeth Council presented the paper.


They explained that the changes are being made largely because money from public health is reducing.


Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust (GSTT) will be conducting a consultation starting the third week of August on the delivery of sexual health services. As part of this they will be doing "soft" testing of sending asymptomatic patients online - about 20%. Burrell Street will stay as a flag ship seven days a week service, but the centre in Streatham, Lloyd, may close. The Sexual Health team would like to come back with results in September.





·  An update on the consultation.

·  Data on trends and infection rates, to include graphs and commentary on behaviours driving infection such as chemsex and more partners.

Supporting documents: