Agenda item

Transport presentations

Speakers to be confirmed at the meeting. 


There were presentations by:


1.  Local residents' associations - Crispin Southgate.

Mr Southgate requested a pause in decision-making for Quietway 7 to allow for a further investigation into the impact on road users.  He emphasised that local residents do not feel that this Quietway will lead to increased road safety.


2.  Southwark Cyclists

The representative from Southwark Cyclists stated that cyclists had concerns about the high volume of traffic in the area, and were very keen to see that some progress is made.  They were concerned that a pause on decision-making may lead to delays in dealing with the issues on the junction.


3.  Helen Hayes MP

Ms Hayes MP noted that she has received a lot of correspondence from local residents on the Quietway, and that the majority agreed that something needed to be done to make the roads safer for cyclists. She emphasised three areas in which the scheme should be changed:

-  Do not remove the railings outside Dulwich Hamlet School

-  Ensure that any changes to lights at the junctions mean cyclists crossing will not conflict with pedestrians crossing

-  Find out the results of the study into what the impact of coaches on Calton Avenue would be before taking this decision.