Agenda item

Elephant & Castle to Crystal Palace Quietway (QW7) Report on Consultation - Calton Avenue, Dulwich Village junction, Turney Road, Dulwich Wood Avenue & Farquhar Road

Members are invited to support the proposed recommendations to the cabinet member for environment and the public realm to implement proposals for the Elephant & Castle to Crystal Palace Quietway.



Councillors discussed the information set out in the report.




That the community council offers the following official feedback to the cabinet member for environment and the public realm:


(1)  That the cabinet member and officers are requested to take forward a second bid to TfL for a holistic approach to improving road safety and safe cycling in the Dulwich area, with a particular focus on safer routes to schools, including the possibility of a safer routes to school zone.


(2)  That the cabinet member and officers be asked to trial key elements of the proposal where possible, for example the proposal to narrow the Dulwich Village junction from 3 to 2 lanes, while also ensuring that the trialling should not significantly impact on the budget for the completed works.


(3)  That the cabinet member be requested to pause making a decision on the Quietway until the completion of the Foundation Schools coach service reviews.


(4)  That Dulwich Community Council supports the revised commitment to retain the pedestrian guardrails outside Dulwich Hamlet and Dulwich Village Infants School at the Dulwich Village junction with Carlton Avenue and Turney Road.


(5)  That Dulwich Community Council requests that the cabinet member and officers carefully consider the impact of the introduction of the neighbouring North Dulwich CPZ on these proposals.


(6)  That Dulwich Community Council requests that the cabinet member and officers, with Lambeth colleagues, look closely at the possibility of the Quietway avoiding Gipsy Hill by pursuing a route all the way down Dulwich Wood Avenue.


(7)  That the cabinet member and officers ensure that Lambeth Council's decision-making will not adversely affect these proposals and that Lambeth and Southwark co-ordinate the implementation of the route.


Supporting documents: