Agenda item



Planning application reference 16/AP/1551


Report: see pages 12 to 41 of the agenda and pages 1 to 4 of the addendum report.




Change of use of floors -1 to 6 of the multi-storey car park to provide a mix of uses including workspaces, workshops, event spaces and cafe/restaurant uses.


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant addressed the committee and answered the committee’s questions arising from their submission.


The committee heard representations from a supporter of the application who lived within 100m of the development site, and asked questions of the supporter.


The committee debated the application and asked further questions of officers.


A motion to grant planning permission was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and declared granted as follows:




That planning permission be granted, subject to conditions set out in the report and addendum report, and the following additional and amended conditions:


1.  Amended hours of use condition: The uses hereby permitted shall only operate between the following hours:





-  1 (event space, class D2)

10am to 11pm daily - save that for 1 year from the first use of this space (such date to be notified to the Council in writing and in advance) it may be used from:


Sundays 10am to midnight

Mondays to Saturdays 10am to 1am *.


1 – 2 (studios and workshops, class B1)

Studios – 24 hour use, 7 days a week


Workshops (including ceramics, printing, laser cutting) – 8am to 9pm daily.


3 - 4 (studios and workshops, class B1)

Studios – 24 hour use, 7 days a week


Workshops (including photography studios, dark room, editing and rehearsal studios) – 8am to 9pm daily.



5 - 6 (studios, café, restaurant, bars, event space (A3, A4, D1, D2)

Studios - 24 hour use, 7 days a week


Café / restaurant / bar / event space

8am to 11pm daily - save that for 1 year from the first use of this space (such date to be notified to the Council in writing and in advance) it may be used from:


Monday to Wednesday 8am to midnight

Thursday to Saturday 8am to 1am*


Terraces 8am to 10pm daily.


*At the end of 1 year of operation, these uses shall cease at 11pm daily, with all patrons off-site by 11.30pm, unless planning permission has been granted for any change or variation to the hours of use.


2.  Additional condition: With the exception of use as a place of worship which shall not be permitted, the ‘event space’ at level 5-6 shall only be used for purposes falling within class D1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order and any associated provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order (including any future amendment of enactment of those Orders).


3.  Additional condition: Not withstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order (including any future amendment of enactment of that Order) the amount of floorspace for each of the consented uses shall be in accordance with the planning application form, and no change between the various uses shall be permitted without the written approval of the Local Planning Authority to whom a planning application shall be made.


4.  Amended condition 5: All spaces within the building to be used for class D2 purposes shall be insulated in accordance with the Environmental Noise Survey and Noise Impact Report (reference 22938/ENS1 Rev 1) which shall be carried out and provided before the use hereby permitted is commenced, and those sound insulation works shall thereafter be retained for the duration of the use.  Windows and doors to the D2 event space at level -1, 'noisy' workshops at levels 1-2 and D2 dance studios at levels 5-6 shall remain closed when these uses are in operation.  Noise levels from the proposed development including from any plant noise shall be 10dB or more below the lowest background noise level at 1 metre from the nearest noise sensitive window.






Supporting documents: