Agenda item

SE5 Forum - vision for Camberwell

Craig Stansfield to present on the SE5 Forum’s vision.


Discussion on how the local vision fits into the Southwark Plan.


Workshop sessions on related topics.


Barbara Pattinson, the chair of the SE5 Forum, explained that it was a grassroots community organisation, which had been founded to improve Camberwell, for example with a vision document. This document had been collated with the community and with support from local decision-makers and was looking at Camberwell 15 years into the future. She thanked local councilors for supporting the initiative, and said that the updated draft would be consulted on with every household in the area.


Craig Stansfield from the group explained that there would be workshops around the “A New Vision for Camberwell” document, which was a summary description (or snapshot) of a desirable better future and a precursor to a strategy or a plan. It covered issues such as: expected increases in population, amenities, transport, businesses and leisure industries, building and urban design, conservation, arts, medical institutions, employment and affordable housing.


The meeting split into workshops at 9.10pm.


The workshops looked at:

  • what people liked about this vision,
  • what could be changed
  • what else needs to be included.