Agenda item

Placement Stability and Update on Statistics: Member Feedback to Presentation Heard by the Corporate Parenting Committee on 23 February 2016


Corporate parenting committee received a presentation on stability and update on statistics at the 23 February 2016 committee. The committee met on 22 March 2016 to give feedback and comments to the presentation.




That the following summary of issues raised by the committee receive an officer action and response:


·  There are crosses on the grid for the section on carer training and early intervention; what do they represent and mean?


·  What would good early intervention look like for older children and how can the current Southwark offer and performance be improved for this group?


·  The committee requests that officers work to develop high quality and consistent training focusing on supporting adolescent LAC. This should be offered to parents, carers and social workers.


·  Disability. The assumption made by the committee is that young people and children with physical disabilities are more likely to be in stable placements. The committee wanted further clarification on whether this was in part due to a better initial assessment or better and clearer support for foster carers who look after disabled LAC. In addition, the committee asks how can the initial assessment be made more holistic so that all needs identified can be met regardless of the varying needs of all LAC.


·  Social worker moves/reallocation in cases. The committee wished to know if any ‘special’ measures or actions are implemented when social worker moves occur in cases that appear to be in ‘crisis’ and where children and families are likely to be particularly vulnerable to any such changes. The committee also queried how and how much communication and support with the child or young people happens when social worker moves occur. Could any improvements be made?


·  Reunification. The committee requests clarification on the data and what tick means on this group; has reunification been attempted?“