Agenda item

Councillor Mark Williams - Canada Water Leisure Centre - Report Back





Councillor Mark Williams (cabinet member for Regeneration and New Homes), Jon Abbott  (head of regeneration north) and Tara Quinn (Sport and Leisure Services Manager) came back to Overview & Scrutiny Committee with the draft consultation presentation, having taken account og the comments and recommendations made at the call-in meeting



The committee agreed to make the following further recommendations to the cabinet member: 


·  Noting that the most plausible option within the town centre site  is the total development of the current Seven Islands leisure centre, the consultation should include a full range of options including the impact on residents of both construction and ongoing provision as to the impact of such a total redevelopment


·  That throughout the consultation document, diagrams are better explained and pro’s are listed as well as cons 


·  That the consultation document should more clearly state the reasons why plot 1 is no longer appropriate when it was considered to be the most appropriate site in 2013


·  the consultation should give as much information as possible on all plausible options  in an even handed way


·  the cabinet members ensure that existing allocated funding for the maintenance of Seven Islands leisure centre is spent appropriately in order to ensure that the facility is kept up to an acceptable standard


·  that particular effort is made to get feedback from elderly and disabled residents as part of this consultation


·  that in order to assure affected residents regarding the consultation on the proposed new site, the cabinet member should give a public commitment to listen to the consultation














Supporting documents: