Agenda item

55 Southwark Street, London SE1 1TE


Planning application reference 14/AP/4773.


Report: see pages 38 to 85 of the agenda and pages 1 to 3 of the addendum report.




Demolition of existing building at No. 55 Southwark Street and redevelopment of site to erect a 7 storey building and a 30 storey tower (plus basement and roof gardens) to a maximum height of 105.110m AOD to accommodate the following uses: public theatre and rehearsal space (Sui Generis use), art space and museum (Class D1/D2 use), restaurant and cafe (Class A3 use), bar (Class A4 use), offices (Class B1 use) and 9 residential flats.


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report and asked questions of the officer.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objector.


The applicant and applicant’s agents addressed the committee and answered questions arising from their submission.


The committee debated the application and asked questions of the officers.


A motion to refuse planning permission was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared as follows:




1.  REFUSE planning permission, subject to referral to the Mayor for London.

Supporting documents: