Agenda item

An overview of the 'Youth Offer'


Patrick Shelley, Head of Youth Services, introduced the report on the Youth Offer.

The committee raised the following questions and issues:

  • Could Adventure Play cease to be the responsibility of the Youth Service? The officer confirmed this was being consulted on as part of proposals to re-organise the service.
  •  How is the impact of the Youth Service measured? In particular how many Looked After Children engage with the service and how are postive outcomes are assessed?  The officer offered to supply data on the number of Looked After Children worked with and also provide some case studies on the impact of services, particularly for children in care. The service hold a summer programme, which is bespoke for children in care.
  • How are young people engaged in evaluating the service?  Has the organisation ‘Practical Participation’ ever been used or online methodologies? The officer said at the moment the service use social media to promote services. The service is looking at employing a virtual youth worker.  The service conducted a satisfaction survey, and the results were good.
  • How do people refer to Fast Forward? The officer said that young people with SEND, or their parents/ carers, can self refer. 
  • Are Southwark Pilgrims still delivering a youth service?  The officer said that  the budget constraints meant this service was no longer commissioned by the council; one of the rationals was that the council prioritise services that work out of schools.
  • How are youth grants decided? There is a commissioning process conducted with young people being part of the decision making on which providers are awarded grants. How open is the service to a range of providers? Commissioning is open to any provider with a local connection.
  • There was a discussion about when services were most needed, and Transition was noted as a time of vulnerability. The needs of children in care and children with SEND were highlighted.
  • Members indicated that they would like to hear the views of young people, and that the Youth Council was suggested. The officer recommended also speaking to young people who used the service, and noted that although the service supports the Youth Council, this did not mean that the young people were necessarily active users of Youth Services, as any young person could put themselves forward for election.



The Head of the Youth Service will return, and concentrate on Transition.

A copy of the survey and results will be provided

Case studies of young people and how they have benefited from Youth Services will be provided, and this will include examples of work with Looked After Children.

The committee will talk with a group of young people who use youth services.



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