Agenda item



Planning application reference 15/AP/3024


Report: see pages 18 to 62 of the agenda and pages 1 to 2 of the addendum report.




Demolition of existing college buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 60 residential units (1 studio, 18x1 bed, 29x2 bed, 8x3 bed and 4x4 bed) in two blocks - being a part single to part five (plus basement) storey block, and a part four to part seven storey block; 852sqm of B1/A1/A2/D1 floorspace and a new street linking The Cut to Ufford Street, together with associated amenity space, landscaping and ancillary works.


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report and asked questions of the officer.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant and applicant’s agent addressed the committee and answered questions arising from their submission.


The committee heard representations from a local ward councillor, Councillor David Noakes, and asked questions of the ward councillor.


The committee debated the application and asked further questions of officers.


A motion to grant planning permission was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and declared granted as follows:




a)  That planning permission be granted subject to conditions set out in the report and addendum report, the applicant entering into a satisfactory legal agreement, and additional conditions agreed at the meeting relating to opening hours of the ground floor commercial units, servicing of the ground floor commercial units, consultation with Theatre View residents on landscaping of the courtyard area, inclusion in the s106 agreement of a requirement for maintenance and security concerns to be addressed in the design of the new route and public spaces between Ufford Street and The Cut, and that officers investigate with the applicant options for the relocation of the Tas restaurant bins.


b)  That in the event that the legal agreement is not entered into by 31 July 2016 the Director of Planning be authorised to refuse planning permission if appropriate for the reasons set out in paragraph 125 of the report.

Supporting documents: