Agenda item



Planning application reference number 15/AP/0627


Report: See pages 28 to 54 and addendum pages 1 to 3




Demolition of existing two storey building followed by the erection of an eight storey mixed-use building providing nine residential dwellings and 400 sqms of flexible commercial floor space (A1, A2, B1), provision of cycle storage, refuse storage and landscaped outdoor space.


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report and asked questions of the officer.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant and their agents addressed the committee and answered questions arising from their submission.


The committee debated the application and asked questions of the officers.


A motion to grant planning permission was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared granted as follows:




1.  That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set in the officer report and addendum report and the completion of an appropriate legal agreement no later than 30 June 2015.


2.  Should a satisfactory legal agreement not be completed by 30 June 2015, the Head of Development Management be authorised to refuse the application for the reasons set out in paragraph 63 of the report.


Note:  The wording of paragraph 3.10 (a) and (c) of the addendum report were amended at the meeting to the following:


a)  The privacy screening with full dimensions (including glazing and planters) on the 7th floor terraces,


c)  The fritted obscured glazing to the 7th floor south west elevation window of Bedroom 01

Supporting documents: