Agenda item

Minutes from the previous meeting

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 March 2015 as a true and accurate record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 March 2015 be agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the chair.


Updates on matters arising from the previous meeting


Local traffic and parking amendments 


The chair mentioned that following the last meeting on 24 June when the community council resolved that the council should review its policy on double yellow lines crossovers for residential roads that were non-classified.  The council had taken the view following discussions with council transport officers, that all roads which were residential or non-classified would no longer require double yellow lines for dropped kerbs. 


Councillor Barber explained that the installation of double yellow lines on residential classified roads would still require approval at the community council citing Barry Road, SE22, as an example which should be treated as a residential road as opposed to a red route.  He mentioned that it was important for the council to show some flexibility on these schemes.


One hour free parking at shopping parades


Councillor Michael Mitchell asked about the agenda item on the one hour free parking at shopping parades which was presented previously at a community council meeting.  It was noted that members of Dulwich Community Council would receive an update at a future meeting.

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