Agenda item

Mini Review - Autism update

Members will feedback on a meeting recently held with lead officers on the Autism strategy.


Cllr Kath Whittam and the Cllr Jasmine Ali reported that they had recently met with Jay Stickland, Director of Adult Social Care and Peta Smith, Commissioning Manager, and they had said that they have done a mapping exercise to inform the Autism Strategy, but the strategy is clearly still in the early stages of development. Officers said this was because they had wanted to ensure the strategy went wider than the original remit of children – now it encompasses adult and people with mild autism. Cllr Kath Whittam reported that the mapping exercise did reveal that out of 1500 assessments of children 60% are autistic. She said this illustrates the scale of need and it is absolutely vital to get a strategy going.


The sub-committee will recommend that the Autism strategy stays on the work-plan for next administrative year.