Agenda item


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2014.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2014 be agreed as a correct record of that meeting.


Matters arising:


1.  The chair said that following the transport discussion at the November 2014 meeting, Transport for London (TfL) had responded about one of the bus services. He would forward the response on to interested groups. TfL had subsequently asked for more information about the specific bus stops where the countdowns were not working.


2.  Re the main junction in Camberwell - Councillor Mark Williams, cabinet member for regeneration, planning & transport, explained it was about making the junction more focused around pedestrians instead of traffic. Agreement had been reached with TfL a while ago but then they had described the model as out of date. The council was currently re-running TfL’s model for them. The aim was to do that as quickly as possible. Once that happened, an implementation date would be arranged which should fit in with other schemes. The council was also looking to speed up the pocket parks programme, to see if that could be brought forward.

Supporting documents: