Agenda item

Members Feedback from Visits-Community Wardens/Contractors/Noise Team

Report back from councillor Damian O’Brien on his visit with the Noise and Nuisance team.


7.1  The chair invited Councillor Damian O’Brien to report back to the sub-committee on his visit with the noise and nuisance team which was as the attached report.


7.1  Councillor O’Brien stated that the report speaks for itself and the council should be very proud of the noise and nuisance team they were very professional, qualified, very experienced and do a great job.


7.2  The chairs suggested calling the call centre into scrutiny regarding housing repairs and then do a scrutiny on the call centre later on.


7.3  A member asked if members could do some mystery listening in? The chair replied they could as councillor Edwards had done this previously for scrutiny, there were different sections, if you get sat with an operative you will get only housing, noise team or something else. I suggest we all volunteer which ones we would like to do and we all go and listen.


7.4  The following councillors volunteered to visit the call centre: - Tom Flynn, Claire Maugham and Ben Johnson.


The meeting ended at 10.00 p.m.

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