Agenda item

Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group report on children's health services

Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group’s introduction to children’s health services, to be presented by Jean Young, Head of Primary, Community and Children’s Commissioning


7.1  Jean Young, Head of Primary, Community and Children’s Commissioning summarised the report enclosed with the agenda.


7.2  The chair invited questions and members of the committee raised the following points:


7.3  Teenagers are no longer given a BCG jab, why is this? This is given as babies and will now last through adulthood so this jab is now only given on a selective basis to young people.


7.4  How is mental health integrated with other provision ?  All opportunities are used - for example youth offending team will ensure that the psychological, physical and sexual health of young people is attended to.


7.5  Do you have specific priorities? The service’s priorities include obesity & teenage pregnancy. Another priority is the integration of the mental & health agenda. There is a strategic plan to increase well-being. Safeguarding is also a priority.


7.6  Do you have a lead for safeguarding? Yes, the CCG have a clinical lead for safeguarding. We feed into the safeguarding board, and produce a report for the Southwark’s annual safeguarding report. The CCG also chair the practice and development group.


7.7  Where are you innovating?  Services at Evelina are very innovative and in particular the Evelina London Child Health Programme


7.8  How is Evelina Funded? We can supply follow up information.


7.9  There is a concern about the top tier of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) nationally, how is Southwark coping? There is big demand locally for paediatric acute mental health crisis beds. There is a pressure nationally & locally and the CCG is meeting locally to look to see if there is a need to commission more beds. The national problem is having an impact locally as there is more sharing of information and resources. How often are children in need of an acute bed being placed away from Southwark? Sometimes it has to happen but we do repatriate as soon as possible. There has been an increase in demand since the changes in commissioning. There is an analysis of why this happening.


7.10  Is there a break down of unintentional and deliberate / non - accidental accidents? Every child going to A & E generates a message to a health visitor or teacher. Is there a collection of data on this? Yes, this would be part of Safeguarding. Feedback is kept in the health economy and there would be a multi agency meeting if social services became involved. If a child has a protection plan than there is flag system. 


7.11  What is the process for assessing the funding transfer of Public Health money to the council, which was formally held by the NHS? There is a due diligence process and this tracks back a number of years to establish funding spent.




Provide details on the funding of the Evelina London Child Health Programme

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