Agenda item

Community Safety Update

Police teams to present.


Inspector Richard Hynes, explained that the new local police model was demand focused. Some ward focus remained but the cluster teams had priority. In Camberwell there had been an increase in staff which provided more flexibility. The two busiest areas in the cluster were Brunswick Park and Camberwell Green both of which attracted more resources to target crime.


In response to questions, Inspector Hynes made the following points:


·  Regarding report crime statistics: officers note crime information into crime reports which went to a central unit for classification. Officers could only record reported crime and relied on the public to play their part in the overall process.


·  There was a dedicated unit to tackle hate crime and domestic violence at Walworth police station. Begging and street drinking had been targeted by officers in Camberwell Green and cross-borough work was ongoing to reduce that.


·  The locksmith’s stickers that were reportedly linked to burglary rises last year in some London boroughs – none of the stickers reported in Camberwell had been linked to offences.


·  The police would not pledge, due to a lack of resources, to commit to investigate any crime for which there was forensic evidence available.


The chair thanked Inspector Hynes for attending and asked for local crime statistics indicating trends and detection rates plus some advice on preventative measures to be brought to the next meeting.