Agenda item

Paxton Green Improvements

Members to consider the recommendation contained in the report.


Matt Hill from Public Realm introduced the report, he referred to the traffic scheme and explained that officers were seeking comments from community council so they could be referred to the cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling before a final decision was made on the scheme.


The Paxton Green roundabout scheme was first brought before members in 2011 following road safety concerns from residents and the fact there were a number of schools within the locality of the roundabout, for example, Langbourne School and Kingsdale School.  Since then the council had implemented a few measures on Kingswood Drive and Paxton Green in order to improve the pedestrian crossing.


The council had undertaken another public consultation in 2012.  A number of people had not been in favour of the proposed scheme. Local stakeholders - Gipsy Hill Residents Association and Crystal Palace Community Assoc (CPCA) were involved and held discussions with the council and councillors. In May 2013 a workshop was held at Kingsdale School from August to September 2013 and separate discussions took place with local councillors on the best possible scheme for the area.  Matt stated that the views expressed then had been taken on board which he illustrated using powerpoint and maps were circulated which showed the modified scheme.


Matt went on to explain some of the agreed changes to the previous proposal that were taken from a summary of the trial outcome and from stakeholders:


·  The existing bus stop would be retained at its current location.

·  The proposed installation of two disabled parking bays in Alleyn Park.

·  The removal of the raised pedestrian crossing on the South Croxted approach to the roundabout.

·  The existing pedestrian refuge island on Gipsy Hill would be retained.

·  The two lane exit onto Gipsy Hill with left turn filter lane would be retained.

·  The existing mandatory cycle lane on Dulwich Wood Park be retained.

·  New wider footpath with segregated cycle facility – to link cycling route between

Alleyn Road and Dulwich Wood Avenue. 


Matt stated the benefits of the scheme were to deal with speed reduction, improved

deflection and provide safer crossings.


The response to the consultation involved the distribution of 1,917 consultation leaflets,

a total of 147 responses were received which showed overall there had been a lot of

support for the new scheme. He added that subject to the outcome of the meeting, a

traffic management order was in place subject to the approval the scheme where the final

proposal and recommendation would be presented to cabinet member to decide on the

implementation of the scheme in September 2014. 


Matt then took questions from the audience and councillors.  In light of comments taken

from the floor about the re-phrase of the pedestrian crossing so it provided an extended

time for pedestrians to cross the road, members suggested this should be put to

the cabinet member for his endorsement.


Southwark Living Streets


Jeremy Leech was present to talk about Southwark Living Streets which is a local

community group that campaigns for better safety.  He welcomed all elements of the

proposed Paxton roundabout scheme.  He said the group were in favour of a traditional

road junction, widening space around the roundabout and also in favour of 20mph that

made it safer for pedestrians especially school children.


Dulwich Society / Southwark Cyclists


Alastair Hanton representing the Dulwich Society and Southwark Cyclists explained the

Dulwich Society were pleased to see improvements, particularly around the Health

Centre and the installation of two disabled parking bays at Alleyn Park.


Alastair reported Southwark Cyclists were also in favour of the scheme but felt improvements to the parallel crossing needed to tweak but does provide safer routes in Croxted Road, Alleyn Park, Dulwich Wood Park and Dulwich Wood Avenue that reduces the danger element and benefits cyclists to and from Kingsdale School. 


Alastair stated the Deputy Head teacher hoped to be present at the meeting to express his support but had a commitment at school.


In response to questions from residents concerning the timing of signal at the crossing of

Croxted Road they felt this should be extended to give people a longer and safer time to

cross the road.


The local ward councillors had given their views on the previous design in 2011 which

most people were against at the time.  Since then minor improvements had taken place

in and around the roundabout.  Members noted the Paxton Green roundabout scheme

would not be considered in line with the Crystal Palace Park.


The chair thanked officers for producing an acceptable design and the stakeholders for

their overall support for the scheme.




That Dulwich community council supports the recommendation to the cabinet

member for transport, environment and recycling, set out in paragraph 19 of the

report; which was to agree to the implementation of the Paxton Green

roundabout improvement project.  In addition that cabinet member take on board

the rephrasing of the pedestrian signalling, in order to allow significant time for

pedestrians to cross the road safely.

Supporting documents: