Agenda item

Lyndhurst Primary School Culture Event

Presentation by Melissa Jo Smith


Melissa Jo Smith, Event Co-ordinator, explained that she thought a fashion show at the school would be a good way of connecting different people in the school and community. There had been an African fashion show in 2011 which had gone well and other pupils said they wanted something to reflect their culture and background. Parents got enthusiastic in dressing their children in clothing that reflected their personal history.


In 2013, following the community council’s decision to fund an event the school applied to the Arts Council and received further funding. The plan was to hold an event that would develop children’s learning and their understanding of other cultures. Lyndhurst had about 370 pupils with about 280 different languages spoken at the school from Africa, the Pacific, the Caribbean and Europe.


There were workshops on puppetry, capoeira, sign language, African theatre and set design. Children looked at heroes from their places of choice and researched the history behind the stories and then dressed in wigs and some historical outfits. The culmination of the work was the evening event which included music, dance and poetry. It was enjoyable and educational.