Agenda item

Budget Consultation

  • Introduction from the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety


  • How the council are to make efficiency savings for the forthcoming year


  • The youth community council to participate in the budget consultation exercise to seek their views on what savings the council could make in the ensuing year.


The budget consultation, in relation to the council’s spending challenge for the next two years, was introduced by the cabinet member for resources and community safety, Councillor Richard Livingstone.


Councillor Livingstone spoke about the savings that were made in 2010 and the services which needed to be looked at in the next round of cuts in 2014.  He mentioned that Southwark had a high level of need compared to most local authorities in other parts of the country.  As part of the budget consultation process, he asked residents to give their views on the services they felt needed protecting. 


Information on the eight services provided by the council was circulated at the meeting which included the current level of spending within council departments. The consultation exercise was explained to attendees. 


After the consultation exercise, Councillor Livingstone explained that the council was looking to make a further £23m savings in 2014/2015 and 7% savings target would be aimed for next year.  It was noted that the revenue budget would be set at council assembly on 26 February 2014.


Further updates would be given at a future meeting.