Agenda item

Welfare Reforms in Camberwell

Sally Causer, Southwark Citizen’s Advice Bureau


Sally Causer, Southwark Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB), summarised some of the changes being made to the welfare system.


  • Housing benefit changes for social housing tenants would affect about 4,500 households in the borough.


  • Council tenants with a spare room in their home would lose a portion of their housing benefit.


  • The CAB held advice sessions arranged to assist those affected. There were also road-show events around the community and these had spoken to about 700 people so far.


  • The CAB were concerned about people not engaging with the advice service and yet likely to be vulnerable to rent arrears and other debt problems.


  • The CAB were working with Jobcentre plus to help people into jobs.


  • The council was working to ensure people got the benefits they were entitled to. In addition there was a discretionary housing payment that could be applied for by those struggling to pay rent.


  • Some residents were daunted at the prospect of having to move due to financial pressures after living in one area for maybe 30 years. The CAB also gave advice to residents with the online bidding process for moving to alternative properties.


  • The CAB was doing a lot of work with residents on appeals against benefit decisions where they were no longer considered eligible.


  • In October, Universal Credit (UC) will be introduced for new claims. The idea was to amalgamate the various existing payments into one benefit. The concern of the CAB was that under UC the payments would be amalgamated into one single payment and paid into a claimant’s account directly. That might cause problems for those residents with debt/payday loan issues.


In response to questions, Sally made the following points:


  • A lot of people coming to the advice surgeries were faced with problems arising out of jobseeker allowance sanctions. The CAB also assisted with appeals.


  • The CAB were encouraging residents to be smart with their money and were working with London credit unions. This was to help local residents avoid the high interest charges of payday loan companies.


Further information at:


Benefits advice at: or Tel. 020 7525 7434.