Agenda item

Deputation Requests on the Theme

The deadline for deputation requests is Midnight, Thursday 21 November 2013.  Deputations can be emailed to


Deputation requests will be distributed in a supplemental agenda.


(See supplemental agenda 3, pages 2-6)


Deputation from the BBI UK


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation from the BBI UK.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Sunny Lambe, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Victoria Mills, cabinet member for communities and economic wellbeing.  Councillor Victoria Mills provided an oral response.


Councillors Barrie Hargrove, Anood Al-Samerai, Eliza Mann and Michael Situ asked a question of the deputation. 


Thereafter the deputation returned to their seats in the public seating area.


Deputation from Latin American Businesses in Southwark


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation from Latin American Businesses in Southwark.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Maria  Linforth-Hall, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Richard Livingstone, cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety.  Councillor Richard Livingstone provided an oral response.


Councillors Claire Hickson, Fiona Colley, Victoria Mills, Toby Eckersley and Geoffrey Thornton asked a question of the deputation. 


Thereafter the deputation returned to their seats in the public seating area.


Deputation from the Tower Bridge Road Alliance


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation from the Tower Bridge Road Alliance.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Suhel Ahmed, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Victoria Mills, cabinet member for communities and economic wellbeing.  Councillor Victoria Mills provided an oral response.


Councillors Tim McNally and Claire Hickson asked a question of the deputation. 


Thereafter the deputation returned to their seats in the public seating area.


Local levy on large supermarkets within the borough


Council assembly considered whether to receive a deputation concerning a local levy on large supermarkets within the borough.




That the deputation be not received.


Herne Hill Forum and Herne Hill Traders


Council assembly considered whether to receive a deputation from the Herne Hill forum and Herne Hill traders.




That the deputation be not received.

Supporting documents: