Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


There were no late items of business.


The Mayor announced that following consultation with the political group whips and inline with council assembly procedure rule 2.6 (11), the meeting would only hear the first three deputations on the theme listed on the agenda.  The other deputations listed on the agenda had been informed that they would not be heard and had been offered the opportunity to present their deputations to other meetings.


It had also been agreed that there would be a single debate on the themed motions and the proposers of the motions would have three minutes to speak.  The seconders of the motions and the mover and seconder of each amendment would formally move and second the amendments.  The subject of the theme would then be open to debate. This would only apply to the themed section of the meeting.


That in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(7) (Prioritisatation of motions), Motion 5.2.4 – Ending Council Investment in Tobacco and Arms, would be considered as the second motion under item 5.2.


The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules in order to consider the above:


·  CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – single debate

·  CAPR 1.14 (10) When a member may speak again.