Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


There were no late items of business.


The Mayor announced that following consultation with the political group whips all eight deputations outlined in the agenda would be heard.  The deputation on free school healthy meals would be consider first followed by the motion and amendment on the same subject.  The remaining deputations would then be considered.


There would also be a single debate on the themed motions.


The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules in order to consider the above:


·  CAPR 2.6(11) No more than three deputations shall be considered at any one meeting

·  CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – varying order of business

·  CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – single debate.