Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


The Mayor stated that following consultation with the group whips the order of business would be varied to allow Motion 5.2.1 – Drummer Lee Rigby and Faith Communities in Southwark, to be considered as the first item of business.  Thereafter the meeting would hear three deputations (the communication workers union, which would be considered first and two deputations on the themed debate – Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation (SGTO) and Southwark Legal Advice Network). 


The Mayor further stated that Motion 1 and Amendment A on the themed debate had been withdrawn and that there would be a single debate on Motion 2 and Amendments B and C.  There had also been notice of a change in speakers on Motion 2 and Amendment B - Councillor Claire Hickson would second the motion and Councillors Tim McNally and Adele Morris would move and second Amendment B. 


The Mayor advised that a revised Amendment F to Item 5.2.4 – Door entry for the Dickens Estate, had been circulated around the chamber.


The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules in order to consider the above:


·  CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – varying order of business and single debate

·  CAPR 1.14 (15) Alteration of an amendment

·  CAPR 1.14 (18) Withdrawal of motion and amendment

·  CAPR 2.10 (4) Change to amendment – mover/seconder.