Agenda item

Revitalise5 Camberwell

  • Stakeholder engagement


  • Camberwell Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


  • Streetscape improvements


  • Pocket spaces


  • Camberwell Green


  • A new library for Camberwell


Sally Crew, Group Manager Policy and Programmes, introduced the Revitalise5 Camberwell programme. It consisted of a number of different projects intended to make a real difference in the area. Consultation was under way and would run until 8 March 2013.


Camberwell Green


Pippa Krishnan, Parks & Open Spaces Development Officer, explained that the plan was to re-landscape the green. The space should work well with the surrounding area and act as a good connection with the new library. Officers were currently seeking residents’ comments on the three design options put forward, elements of each may feature in the final design. The new green would have more biodiversity. There would be new equipment in the play area and some railings may be removed to open up the park to visitors and reduce anti-social behaviour. The final design would be ready in May 2013 and would be subject to planning approval, before construction commenced. The new park should open in spring 2014.


In response to questions, Pippa made the following points:


  • There would be consultation on the type of new equipment for the play area


  • The amount of long grass and wild flowers would be increased as it would improve the park’s biodiversity


  • There would be improved lighting in the park.


A new library for Camberwell


Jessica Caruth, Project Manager, explained that the new library would fit in with the other infrastructure improvements in the area. The library would be adjacent to the Green in front of the Magistrates Court. Views were sought on what to put in the new library. There would be more space for books and learning materials along with public toilets and baby changing facilities. It would have many computers for public use and free wifi. There would be a consistent approach with the Green and some seasonal variations. A planning application would be submitted in March 2013 with construction commencing later in the year, subject to approval, with completion likely in spring/summer 2014.


In response to questions, Jessica made the following points:


  • There will be a civic square space between the Magistrates Court and the new library. The court had been involved in the process and a balance between historic and new would be achieved


  • Some of the existing trees would be re-located and there was a commitment to re-planting. There would be more trees in the area around the Green. Some trees currently affecting the smooth walkways with their roots would be replaced.


Streetscape improvements


Sally Crew explained that the plans were a partnership project between Southwark Council, Transport for London, which manages Camberwell New Road and Camberwell Church Street and Lambeth Council, which looks after Coldharbour Lane and parts of Denmark Hill. There were two options being considered and both would introduce a 20mph speed limit along with more space for pedestrians. Some bus stops would be adjusted or moved to improve access for passengers. Residents’ comments on the proposals were sought. Following consultation, the preferred option would be published and works should start in summer 2013.


In response to questions, Sally made the following points:


  • There were two bus garages in the area that required bus stands and facilities to support passengers. The bus service issue had been considered and addressed in the options.


Councillors added that a tube link would help the public transport situation in Camberwell and residents were urged to sign an online petition to that end.


Pocket spaces


Sally Crew explained that the pocket spaces project looked at some of the under- utilised, quiet spaces within Camberwell such as Grove Lane and Coldharbour passage. A site audit of the spaces in Camberwell had been carried out and priorities were set on improvements. Residents were now being asked if they agreed or disagreed with those priorities. After the consultation there would be a design process and residents would have an opportunity for input on those designs.


Camberwell Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Juliet Seymour, Planning Policy Manager, explained that the SPD was being prepared for the Camberwell area. The SPD was detailed guidance based in part on feedback from local residents. Officers were seeking views on the building designs, streets and spaces wanted by people in the area. The SPD covered affordable housing, retail and office space and would be finalised in 2014 with a draft available in September 2013. Consultation would run until 19 April 2013. Contact or Tel. 020 7525 0508.


Sally Crew said that there were further Revitalise5 Camberwell events planned and residents were encouraged to give their views throughout the process.

Contact or Tel. 020 7525 5564.