Agenda item

Neighbourhood Forums

Simon Bevan, Acting Director of Planning to give an overview of Neighbourhood Forums.


Simon Bevan explained that following the passing of the Localism Act in 2011, a number of measures designed to empower local people in their communities had been introduced. There were now ways for people to prepare neighbourhood plans and bring forward developments and make things happen. Residents could prepare a neighbourhood plan which was a guide for a range of different types of development. In an area such as Dulwich, the plan would be developed by a forum that worked together for that specific purpose.


If people wanted to be part of a forum there was a mechanism to enable that. There would be a number of tests via the council so that the forum could be recognised as the official forum making that plan. The forum would then be advertised and via a number of stages of working with the council a plan would take shape. A decision on whether to adopt the neighbourhood plan would be voted upon in a referendum.


The chair encouraged all residents wishing to get involved in the planning process to take part in the twelve week consultation for the Dulwich SPD.


In response to questions, Simon stated:


  • The Council had expressed some general views in the SPD about subterranean developments. The consultation would give residents the opportunity to comment on those.


  • All comments concerning the SPD would be logged and feedback given to those who had contributed to the process. The SPD would then be forwarded to the Cabinet for decision. The SPD would be brought back to the community council in April before it goes to Cabinet in June.


  • If various local groups wanted to get together and work on a neighbourhood plan, officer advice and time would be made available. Also, there were nationally funded bodies that could offer advice, such as Locality produces a fact pack containing helpful information.


  • There was scope for cross borough neighbourhoods. If it involved parts of three boroughs then all three boroughs would have to approve it. There were merits in concentrating on a small area as it was a more manageable task for those involved.


Public consultation sessions on the SPD would take place on Saturday 2 March 2013 and Wednesday 10 April 2013.