Agenda item

Deputations/Petitions (if any)

Deputation regarding the bus stop at Paxton Green roundabout.




That the deputation from Richard Hanson on behalf of residents objecting to the proposed moving of a local bus stop be heard.


The meeting heard that two separate petitions, against the plans to move a bus stop near Paxton Green roundabout, had been signed by about two hundred local people. Richard had heard that the bus stop element of the proposals had recently been dropped from the plans but went on to explain the reasons behind the grounds for the initial objection as follows:

There were concerns that, if the bus stop was moved, it would risk the safety of school children and cyclists, and increase anti-social behaviour in the local area.


The chair thanked the deputation and the matters raised were noted. Councillor Andy Simmons added that councillors from Lewisham had raised concerns about the initial proposals.

Supporting documents: