Agenda item

Southwark Council Apprentice Scheme

Lorna Fraser, Assistant Organisational Development Business Partner


Lorna Fraser, from the council’s Organisational Development Team, spoke to the meeting about the council’s apprenticeship scheme. She outlined the scheme’s benefits, which provided apprentices with an opportunity to gain both work-based skills and valuable qualifications while earning a wage. The scheme provided excellent work experience – on the job training with a competitive salary; London Living Wage. It also provided nationally recognised qualifications.


Successful applicants would be given a contract of employment for a minimum of 12 months with placements in the council or its partners and contractors. Apprentices also received support from central apprenticeship team, line managers and learning provider assessors and tutors, as well as coaching and mentoring. Lorna explained that the council was committed to the apprenticeship scheme, which was very successful. Since the scheme began in 2005, 197 apprentices had started, 144 of which had completed the full framework qualification. 46 apprentices were currently on the scheme.


Lorna went on to explain that this year, there were new apprenticeship opportunities in civil engineering, surveying and with the community wardens. Recruitment would start in April 2013, with adverts being placed on the council website, posters in libraries, schools/colleges, job centres, youth service, tenant & resident halls, one-stop shops and community centres. Further information at:


Ann Cochrane, from the council’s Organisational Development Team, announced that the council’s youth fund, Southwark’s university scholarship programme, was open for people to register their interest by 16 Jan 2013. Further information at: