Agenda item

Dulwich Health Services - feedback from engagement and next steps

Rebecca Scott, Southwark NHS


Rebecca Scott, Programme Director NHS Southwark explained that her role was to look at Health Services in the Dulwich area. The feedback from the engagement exercise undertaken February - May 2012 had been circulated. The information from that along with information from the clinicians and hospitals was being put together to work out what sort of combination of services people would want in a community setting in the Dulwich area. Once that process had been completed, NHS Southwark would come back to the community with possible options for the Dulwich hospital site. That consultation would start before the end of the year and probably run into early 2013. Conversations would also take place with the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The plan was to develop something new for the community and reflect the changing needs of the community. It would also reflect the financial position nationally.


Matters to consider included:

·  Several General Practices were in need of updated premises

·  High birth rates were stretching services in some areas. This was being looked at with King’s College Hospital

·  A review of health visiting services was needed to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


Residents asked for improved transport links to health providers and better parking provision. Residents wanted more blood testing services to be available in community settings.


There were a lot of projects taking place looking at how to improve health services for specific groups of patients. There were many ways in which patients and residents could be involved in designing services.


In response to questions, Rebecca said that she was looking at the part of the mental health spectrum between general practice and a community mental health team.


Dr Roger Durston, Clinical Lead on the Dulwich Project Board, commented that the number of patients on the mental health team’s lists had gone down.


Several residents expressed concerns about local mental health issues and the need for an accessible local hospital in addition to specialist services elsewhere.


Rebecca agreed to receive the deputation document circulated to the meeting, as part of the consultation process.


Malcolm Hines, Chief Financial Officer, NHS Southwark explained that the Dulwich hospital site was in the ownership of NHS Southwark. Next year a new structure would come into being in the NHS which would include property services. All assets would be transferred to that department of the NHS.


Councillor James Barber left the meeting at this point.