Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

  • Launch of the Youth Community Council – short presentation from representatives of the Youth community council.


  • Launch of the Community Council Fund 2013 - announcement.


  • To note plans for traffic and highway projects in the Peckham and Nunhead community council area (see report under item 16.) .


  • Young Person’s Project “Biscey” – to given an overview of what the project does. 


  • New Complaints Policy consultation – announcement


  • Police new Borough Commander – brief address


The following announcements were made:


Peckham and Nunhead Youth Community Council


Trevor Swaby, youth worker and a number of young people that were members of the Peckham and Nunhead Youth Community Council were present at the meeting.


Trevor explained that they wanted to get a flavour of what community council meetings were about.  He hoped it would encourage the young people to take part and make an active contribution at these meetings.  The chair encouraged the youth community council members to attend the Peckham and Nunhead agenda planning meetings which they agreed to do.


Community Council Fund 2013


Marian Farrugia, Community Council Development Officer explained that each year community councils have a funding scheme known as Community Council Fund, launched early this year so events could take place in the spring. 


The deadline for applications was Friday, 14 December 2012 and no late applications or partially filled applications would be considered.  Forms were available at the meeting and further details could be viewed on the council’s website.


Groups were told the amount one could apply for was from £100 up to £1000. 


For more information, contact Marian Farrugia, community council development officer on 020 7525 1780 or email 


Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) Funding


The deadline for applications had been extended until the end of December 2012, so people could still apply for funding.  Forms were available at the meeting. 


In response to questions, Councillor Hargrove clarified that £122,000 of cleaner greener safer funding was the same amount as the previous year which would be divided equally amongst the five community councils in each of the wards.


For more information, contact Michelle Normanly, senior projects manager on 020 7525 0862 or email


Traffic and Highways Projects in the Peckham and Nunhead area


No officer was present for this item. The chair explained that community councils would be determining the implementation of non strategic traffic schemes e.g. road markings and implementation of zebra crossings at future community council meetings. The traffic schemes listed under items 14, 15, and 16 were examples of such schemes.


Young Person’s Project ‘Biscey’


Michael and Gbemi, who were representatives from a young persons’ project called Biscey described what they do at the project and what they were trying to achieve.


They explained that every young person should have a common goal to achieve a higher level of education regardless of their background.  The project provides support and advice to young people as some young people lacked motivation and there are not enough role models for young people.


Biscey normally hold discussions and workshops at schools in order to break down barriers.  They also provide one-to-one mentoring, group mentoring, and community engagement.  The launch of the pilot scheme for the Biscey project would be in January 2013 at London City Academy Southwark which would involve one-to-one mentoring. 


For more information, contact  Esy Oluwafemi, Coordinator WiseGem at the Young People and Family Organisation, Sojourner Truth Community Centre on 0794 429 0433.


New Complaints Policy consultation 


Zoe Bulmer, customer resolutions manager announced that the council’s complaints policy would be updated shortly.  The most important change would be a proposal to change the three stage complaints system to a two stage system from April 2013. 


Zoe stated that she wanted feedback from residents on this and agreed to be available during the break.  She explained that there had been a fall in number of complaints submitted to the council and the focus would be to ensure responses were dealt with without long delays.  In response to questions about allocated case work and speeding up responses, Zoe mentioned that every complaint submitted would be allocated to a complaints officer where the complainant would be told how the complaints process would work.


For more information, contact Zoe Bulmer, customer resolutions on 020 7525 3128 or email 


New Borough Commander 


John Sutherland, the new Borough Commander sent his apologies for this meeting, he had agreed to be at the next Peckham and Nunhead community council in February 2013.


Community safety issues


Police Inspector, Linda Upton reported on the latest crime figures which had seen a drop in robbery and violence against persons.  Tackling crime has had an impact on local policing because the smaller teams had expanded with the same resources spread over differently within the Met.


The community council were briefed on local policing issues and ward priorities:


·  Drugs dealing and using: warrants executed and several arrests were made. 


·  Tackling anti-social behaviour which alcohol related around Meeting House Lane.


·  School patrols by the Police to address issue of robbery amongst school children and generally committed by school children.


·  As part of a youth scheme initiative, during the half term week twenty seven young boys worked on bikes as they were trained on how to put bikes together.


·  Crack down on licensed premises relating to licensing issues around Rye Lane.


·  Problem with prostitution in Peckham which had been linked with drug dealing in the area.  Inspector Upton said she would encourage people to come forward with any information that is relevant.


The chair thanked Inspector Linda Upton for her presentation.


Christmas Lights Switch on Peckham Square


The chair announced the Christmas Lights Switch on Peckham Square would take place on Friday 7 December 2012 between 5.00pm to 6.00pm. It was funded by Peckham and Nunhead Community Council, cleaner greener safer capital funding programme. 


The chair urged people to attend the event.