Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, members of the cabinet or the chief executive.


The Mayor announced the sad passing of:


·  Former councillor Ron Slater JP MBE, on 18 September 2012.  Ron served as a councillor in the 1970s and 1980s and was an Alderman and Free Citizen of the Borough.  His daughter, Past Mayor Lorraine Lauder, followed her father into local politics as a councillor.


Tributes were paid by Councillors Ian Wingfield, David Hubber and Toby Eckersley.


·  Councilllor Helen Morrissey who passed away on 12 October 2012 after battling cancer over the past year.  She was a councillor for East Walworth ward since May 2010 and Labour Group chief whip.


Tributes were paid by Councillors Peter John, Anood Al-Samerai and Lewis Robinson.


·  Junior Nkwelle, who was a pupil at Walworth Academy.


·  Hichame Bouadimi, who was a pupil at Charlotte Sharman Primary School in St. Georges Road.


The Mayor read out a poem offering words of comfort and thereafter the meeting stood for a minute’s silence.


Councillor Peter John, leader of the council, stated that Councillor Fiona Colley had been appointed to the cabinet in May 2012 but had been on maternity leave from her cabinet role since April 2012.  He thereafter formally announced that Councillor Fiona Colley remained appointed to the cabinet but he was extending her absence from the cabinet for a further three months.


The Mayor welcomed Councillor Fiona Colley back from her maternity leave and congratulated her on the birth of her son.


Councillor Veronica Ward, cabinet member for culture, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South), thanked all the young people and the community support team who had contributed to the success of the London Youth Games.  She also took the opportunity to thank all those involved in making Southwark’s contribution to the Olympics so outstanding.  A brief written version of the announcement was circulated at the meeting.


At 8.40pm the Mayor welcomed Councillor Victoria Mills back from maternity leave and congratulated her and Councillor Gavin Edwards on the birth of their twins, Ida and Matthew.

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