Agenda item

Barbara Hepworth Statue - replacement update

Presentation by Rachael Roe, Acting Arts Manager


Rachael Roe, Arts Manager, explained that following the theft of the Barbara Hepworth statue from Southwark Park there was a substantial insurance payout and a replacement work of art would be installed. Consultation was taking place on the procurement process including several community meetings and a steering group had been formed. A questionnaire was available online for residents to state preferred options and input their ideas. The options included approaching artists directly or placing adverts in the local trade press, followed by a short-listing of designs. Alternatively a work already created could be purchased. The consultation on procurement would run until 30 June 2012. Following that there would be further consultation on designs. The new work would not be made of a valuable metal and there would be measures in place to protect the work. Contact


In response to an idea of an art sculpture space with different pieces scheduled over a period, Rachael said that idea had been considered but it was rejected due to the ongoing rolling administrative revenue costs involved. Also, as yet there was no set agreed location.


Trevor Moore, chair of Dulwich Park Friends, said that whoever was approached should not price their work with the budget in mind. There was a level of kudos attached to the replacement of a piece of work by a great artist. 


Sergeant Turnbull said that the investigation into the theft of the Hepworth statue was ongoing and there were lines of enquiry being explored.