Agenda item

Community Announcements

-  Herne Hill Society

-  Herne Hill Forum

-  Herne Hill Velodrome

-  Community Infrastructure Levy consultation

-  Black History Month

-  Street leader programme


Any forthcoming local events?


Herne Hill Velodrome (HHV)

Hillary Peachey, chair of the trustees, explained that the HHV was a fully functional cycle track that was used by lots of different groups including schools and outreach programmes. Phase 1 which saved the 1948 Olympic velodrome had been completed. British Cycling had invested £500,000 to resurface the track. Phase 2 was underway with the aim of increasing usage by various groups and schools. A feasibility study had shown that a kids’ inner track would encourage children as young as 4 years to use the HHV. A multi-sports area would encourage sports days and events to take place. A family path would make the area more of a community space for local people to come and enjoy. New lighting was also being considered. Phase 3 would focus on the derelict pavilion in the near future. In order to bring plans to fruition the Friends of HHV were looking to recruit new members and help to raise £50,000. Membership forms were available.


Herne Hill Society (HHS)

John Brunton explained that the HHS was a local amenity group in SE24 which covered parts of Southwark and Lambeth. One of the current issues is the local late night economy and some problems flowing from that. The HHS had done some work in the past that largely resolved similar matters but these had recently returned. The HHS has spent time with residents getting evidence of how people’s lives had been blighted and that would be passed to the council soon. Work was also being done with Lambeth on the widening of the Brockwell passage.


Herne Hill Forum (HHF)

Giles Gibson explained that the HHF was a local community group run by residents and traders. There were local meetings and drop-in sessions at various locations on matters including traffic calming measures. HHF had also been working with schools to discuss the shortage of school places in the area. HHF had set up a company which will run the space outside the station including shop front licences, outdoor planting and a Sunday market. Music, film shows and various activities would be coming to that space. Contact


Council Assembly, 4 July 2012

The chair said that Dulwich Community Council would be submitting the following question to Council Assembly in July:

Can the Cabinet Member for Community Safety give us an update on what is being done to address the late night economy problems in Herne Hill?

Members unanimously supported tabling that as the community council question.


The chair announced that the Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team was in attendance for those with any particular community safety issues to discuss during the break.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) consultation

Barbara-Ann Overwater, Senior Planning Policy Officer, introduced the new CIL that councils could bring forward to charge on new developments in the borough. The money collected could fund new strategic infrastructure that the council and residents wanted. It would replace the section 106 planning obligations toolkit. The council had been working on a draft CIL charging schedule which would go to Cabinet in July ahead of public consultation. There would be a lengthy consultation between July and October. Further information was available on the Southwark website.


Black History Month

Fitzroy Lewis, Community Councils Development Officer, announced that the annual grants programme was open for applicants to submit event or project proposals, ahead of Black History Month in October. The closing date was 6 July 2012.

Further information available:

Additionally organisers were looking for partnerships to deliver events and were hopeful of contributions from a cross-section of the community.


The chair announced that the Herne Hill Music Festival would be taking place from 12 – 20 October 2012.


Christ Church on Barry Road would be holding a Taste of America Day on 7 July 2012.