Agenda item

Code of conduct and proposed consequential changes

The Localism Act 2011 provides for the abolition of the current standards regime.  The authority will need to formally adopt a code of conduct in accordance with section 28 of the Act.  Therefore council assembly is requested to approve a code of conduct, changes to the constitution and changes to the member officer protocol as a consequence of commencement of the provisions in the Localism Act 2011.


(See pages 66 – 83 of the main agenda)


This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12 (3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


The clerk advised that on pages 75 – 76, paragraphs 23 – 34 of the member and officer protocol, references to ‘you’ should read ‘the member’ and the published version would be reworded accordingly for the sake of clarity.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.11 (2), the report was formally moved by the Mayor.


The recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the code of conduct for members attached as Appendix A to the report be adopted.


2.  That the changes to the member and officer protocol attached as Appendix B to the report be agreed, subject to the minor changes reported by the clerk.


3.  That the changes to the committee procedure rules as detail in paragraph 11 of the report be agreed.

Supporting documents: