Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


With the meeting’s consent the Mayor announced that she intended to accept one late and urgent item of closed business: Appointment of Independent member.


The Mayor announced that following consultation with the political group whips, she intended to vary the order of business[1] so that the deputation request regarding council run children’s nurseries could be considered first as there were children present.  This would be followed by the four deputation requests on the theme.  The remaining deputation from the Walworth Society would be considered after the motion on the theme.  In addition it had been agreed that there would be a single debate on the three motions on the theme.  Each motion and its amendments would be moved and seconded and thereafter in any time remaining there would be a single debate. At the close of the themed debate a separate vote would be taken on each amendment and motion.


The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules: 2.6 (11) No more than three deputations shall be considered at any one meeting and 1.14 (4) Single debate on motions.

[1] These minutes follow the order of business as set out in the main agenda and not as the revised order of business considered at the meeting.