Agenda item

Ground Floor, South City Court, 52 Peckham Grove, London SE15 6AL


Planning application reference number 11-AP-1139


Report: See pages 103 of 134




Variation of condition 10 (approved plans) which was added by non-material amendment reference: 11-AP-0551) of permission reference 06-AP-0796 dated 8th February 2010 for 'Change of use of the ground floor from vacant commercial units into 15 self-contained flats; provision of 6 additional car parking spaces (to create 24 spaces in total)'  to allow the following minor material amendments:


·  Removal of a private 1-bedroom flat (reducing the total number of flats on the site to 14);

·  Retention of existing water tank;

·  Retention of existing substations;

·  Relocation of refuse store;

·  Relocation of cycle parking;

·  Provision of one additional parking space (to provide 19 in total);

·  New door to rear of building serving flat 4;

·  Provision of solar panels to roof.





That planning application number 11-AP-1139 be deferred until the next meeting.


Supporting documents: