Agenda item

Adoption Service Inspection Report

7.15pm – 7.45pm


The committee heard presentations from Dr. Anthony Tam (Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust) and Bernard Monaghan (chair of the adoption panel) in respect of this item.


Officers confirmed that the final Ofsted report was awaited. At this juncture a motion to exclude the press and public was moved in order to consider these preliminary findings.




It was moved, seconded and




  That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 7a, Access to Information Procedure rules of the Constitution.


The committee heard an outline of the key issues and likely recommendations of the Ofsted inspection report which were provisional pending the issue of the final report from Ofsted.  Therefore the information was considered in closed session.


The committee returned to open session to consider the report on the agenda.




1.  That the results of a full Ofsted adoption inspection which took place from 9 – 12 January 2012 be noted.


2.  That the ongoing requirements placed upon the corporate parenting committee outlined in the new adoption regulations April 2011 be noted and agreed.


3.  That it be noted that the Ofsted Adoption Inspection was GOOD whilst several key areas were outstanding.


4.  The committee extended their thanks and congratulations to officers for their hard work and commitment.

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