Agenda item

Main theme: Camberwell and the Olympics - Part I

There will be an officer presentation and discussion on the following:


  • Transport and networks: Operational planning, Southwark transport hubs, roads and networks surrounding the Olympics


  • Young people events: Engaging with young people, volunteering and sport


Other topics:


  • Culture: The cultural offer in Southwark during the summer of 2012
  • Volunteering: Offering opportunities to local people


Keep up to date with the latest Southwark news and information on London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games at  


This item was introduced by Councillor Veronica Ward, cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics who said that Southwark residents were involved in the Olympics and local events, e.g. 200th year anniversary of Charles Dickens so there would be lots of visitors.  Also the capital legacy fund would help provide new sport facilities to help promote health, fitness and wellbeing that are linked with the cultural experiences that are available in the borough.


Paul Cowell, Events Manager outlined Southwark’s vision for the Olympics, stating that it would be the largest event in the world where there should be opportunities to promote health and wellbeing and enable young people to attend the games in the borough.


Paul said the Southwark Olympic Delivery Board which consisted of local stakeholders and duties of the sub planning group which had been set up to ensure Southwark supported this inspiring, safe and inclusive games. 


The different work streams included: employment, transport, operations, health, capital legacy fund, sport, accreditation and volunteering. 


Andrew from the Youth Service in Children’s Services outlined that Schools had signed up to “the Get set” network to enable them to apply for free Olympic tickets.  Sport events have been organised to encourage young people to volunteer and to become sports leaders.  There were also a wide variety of cultural and arts events and projects for young people to take up sport or any other activities so they remain active.  The cultural institutions for some of these activities include: The Globe, Tate Modern and Dulwich Picture Gallery. 


Andrew mentioned that volunteering amongst young people was being encouraged by signposting them on so they receive accreditation. The AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) for young people includes the Duke of Edinburgh award.  Such accreditation for young people could be used as transferable skills and work experience when they were looking for jobs.  A representative from the Youth Community Council suggested Andrew attend a meeting of the YCC to present these ideas to them.


Key Dates

Torch relay – 21 July 2012 arrives in London

Olympics opening ceremony – 27 July 2012

Olympics closing ceremony – 12 August 2012

Paralympics opening ceremony – 29 August 2012

Paralympics closing ceremony – 9 September 2012


Des Waters, Head of Public Realm explained the impact the Games would have on services and public transport: journeys to and from work (commute), business travel and deliveries to local businesses.  The key locations are Canada Water and London Bridge Station – with busier times being during the day. None of the roads in Southwark would be affected although there is likely to be some displacement for some users that might decide to come into Southwark.  The likelihood is that roads in the north part of the borough are going to be affected by other events so the decision would be to close those roads. 


Des reported that no planned road works with the exception of emergency road works would be permitted.  Between the 5 - 12 August 2012, there could be minor changes to the traffic signals in the area.  The council has asked road network organisations not to carry out any road works during this time. 

In response to questions the following details were noted:


  • There would be delays at London Bridge railway station people were advised to take alternative routes and avoid travelling between 5pm – 7pm in the evening. 


Des agreed to provide Cllr Stephen Govier with a written answer on the transport/travel arrangements as soon it becomes available.


  • Those that do not have access to the internet should listen to the local radio, look out for information on leaflets and posters.


  • During the Games there is to be improved accessibility, better signage and sign posting for people with disabilities.


  • Barclays cycle hire - distribution would be extended to the Olympic Park.


  • Camberwell Baths – no changing facilities for wheelchair users – Cllr Veronica Ward agreed to take this matter and provide a written response at the next meeting.


  • Young people participation – leaflets would be printed and distributed to encourage their participation.


  • A brochure would be published just before the Diamond Jubilee listing information on Southwark Experience, cultural activities events at the Globe Theatre, Peckham, Tate Modern, Thames Festival, London 2012 Festival and other indoor and outdoor events around the borough.


  • Volunteering fairs are being organised for local groups.


  • Health Factor Challenge which was delivered in 2011 involved providing nutritional advice and raising awareness about health and wellbeing across the borough – cycling and walking.


  • Capital legacy – led by the Leader of the Council to help increase participation in sport; groups and organisations could bid for money. Ten projects in Camberwell area were identified and had received funding.


  • Lists of projects included the upgrading and refurbishment of Bethwin Sports MUGA gym, new BMX track in Burgess Park and the Camberwell Leisure Centre.


The chair thanked Des Waters and his team for their presentations and the hard work they have done on this.