Agenda item

Deputations/Petitions (if any)

To consider any deputation requests or petitions at the meeting.


  • A deputation from representatives of Save Camberwell Green Orchard Campaign will be presented under item 12, Open Spaces Strategy.






That the deputation request from Save Camberwell Orchard Campaign be heard.


The deputation spokesperson, Donnachadh McCarthy, a representative of the Save Camberwell Orchard Campaign addressed the meeting.  He said the purpose of the deputation was to highlight their campaign about protecting Camberwell Green Community Orchard.


Donnachadh explained that they sought funding for the orchard in the early 1980’s and 1990’s so it remained a community green space.  Concern was expressed about the new Camberwell Library being built there as recent consultation on the library proposals did not indicate where the preferred location would be. 


The Camberwell area had the highest need for local open space particularly with the increased density of the community area, it was very deprived of open space. 


Donnachadh also mentioned that the new library could be integrated with major regeneration projects or the Camberwell Leisure Centre. That could save the council a lot of money if it could be done that way.  He requested that the Camberwell community council ask officers to undertake a feasibility study with costings, and to feedback details to the community council.


In response to the questions, Councillor Veronica Ward explained that no decision had been made on where library would be.  She said it was important to stress that Camberwell was desperately in need of a library service in the middle of Camberwell as the present one in this modern age was totally unacceptable. 


Councillor Peter John responded to a question regarding a S106 agreement that involved a  free library would be built - he stated that any regeneration scheme would have a  cost that might involve some improvements to an area that could also include affordable housing.  Possible options and locations for the library would be looked at however it was important to note that things do move forward on this issue.


The chair thanked the representative for the deputation and took on board the comments that were made at the meeting.


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