Agenda item

Deputation Requests

Deputation requests have been received from the following groups:


·  Southwark Pensioners’ Forum

·  Post Offices

·  Southwark Pensioners Centre

·  Southwark Carers

·  Entelechy Arts

·  Rotherhithe Community Council.


The deputation requests are listed in full in the report. The meeting rules state that no more than three deputations shall be considered at any one meeting. However the meeting can decide to suspend this rule in order to hear more or vary the order.


(See pages 1 - 4 of supplemental agenda 2)


Deputation from Southwark Pensioners Forum


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Southwark Pensioners Forum.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Charles Cherrill, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for health and adult social care, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Abdul Mohamed, Paul Noblet and Barrie Hargrove asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation regarding post offices


Council assembly considered whether to receive a deputation request regarding post offices.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Mr. Tatana, addressed the meeting.


Councillors Anood Al-Samerai, Stephen Govier and Peter John asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Southwark Pensioners Centre


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Southwark Pensioners Centre.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Julia Honess, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for health and adult social care, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Graham Neale, Neil Coyle, Anood Al-Samerai and Rowenna Davis asked questions of the deputation.


Deputions from Southwark Carers


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Southwark Carers.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Verinder Mander, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for health and adult social care, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Patrick Diamond and Neil Coyle asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Entelechy Arts


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Entelechy Arts.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson addressed the meeting.


Councillor Poddy Clark asked a question of the deputation.


Deputation request regarding Rotherhithe Community Council


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request regarding Rotherhithe community council.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, John Taylor, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Peter John, the leader of the council, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Jeff Hook and Abdul Mohamed asked questions of the deputation.


The Mayor announced that the time had expired for councillors questions.


Councillor Toby Eckersley, seconded by Councillor Mark Gettleson, moved that council assembly procedure rule 2.6 (14), time for members questions to the deputation, be suspended in order to allow a further question to the deputation.


The procedural rule was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Councillor Michael Mitchell asked a question of the deputation.

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