Agenda item

Establishment of the Virtual School for Looked After Children

5.45pm – 5.55pm




1.  That the virtual school proposals and the outcome of the staff consultation process be noted.


2.  That the proposal to explore opportunities for formal joint working with looked after children (LAC) teams in neighbouring boroughs, including Lambeth and Lewisham be endorsed, and stronger partnerships be developed with local authorities that are further afield such as Kent, given that a significant proportion of Southwark LAC are in schools in other local authorities. The committee also requested that looked after children are kept fully informed of any such proposals.


3.  That the virtual school head commission much of the school’s work from staff with specific expertise in other services including special educational needs (SEN), early years, school improvement, admissions, 14-19 and Connexions to help formalise their responsibility as corporate parents.  It may also be appropriate to commission work from external organisations.


Supporting documents: